
IIRC the credits of the film identify Edward Norton as "Jack", although that obviously wasn't ever his name, and the "I am Jack's x" thing came from a series of childrens' books he found. I think they just had to credit him as something.

Huh, I did not interpret that correctly.

That's fun, but I'd like to contribute to a Kickstarter for removing the obligatory scene where someone describes a character to that character. "Yes, Ms. Curtis, I'm aware of my qualifications. I actually wrote that resumé myself…"

Whoa, Scott Gairdner is partially responsible? That's pretty awesome. I love the Tiny Fuppets.

Not so! I'd say that only the first one is really good. The second one is not a complete waste of time. The last two…well…they're not the worst movies ever.

Do "Tombs of the Blind Dead," AV Club. It's really good.

I hope NASTY hears about the "cannibal cop" in New York, whose online fantisizing was used against him in a court of law.

I loved it, but don't take my word for it: It's the subject of a My Year of Flops, and was judged a "secret success": http://www.avclub.com/artic…

Ahhh…can we get Rosario Dawson, Tara Reid, and whats-her-face back together for live-action Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space? Because, I'm pretty sure that's what America needs.

P.S. sorry if 'zombie' or 'wizard' is a trigger word for some of y'all, I know there's a lot of monocle-droppers in this crowd.

When Harmon was fired, my partner said, "So just don't watch anymore if it's such a big deal." So I explained:
"Imagine if I died, and a wizard, like a necromancer, you know, brought me back to life. But I'm not really alive again. I'm still a corpse. But this wizard is animating me like a horrible puppet. He's not an

Look, people compare things that are not things to things all the time. In this case, it was just this week that Patton Oswalt wrote a very thoughtful letter re: rape jokes, the message of which was, at least in part, that this issue is perhaps more nuanced than most people would like to admit.

I don't get the backlash. I still love ya, Dan Harmon. You made a show that I like very much, and you're the right man for the job of running that show, so I'm unreservedly happy you're back.

I already disagreed with you, and then you said "fandering".

How has nobody mentioned "Can You Read By Mind" by Maureen McGovern, from Superman: The Movie?

Can you read my mind?
Do you know what it is you do to me,
Wondering why you are
All the wonderful things you are
You can fly! You belong to the sky!
You and I should belong…to each other.

Don't tell people to watch one half of a movie, AVClub.

I hope it's Season 1 Weevil, and not Season 3 Fat Weevil.

For real? I haven't seen Star Trek 2, but the first one already had what I assumed must be Maximum Lens Flare. I mean, it was a completely silly amount of lens flare.