
This season
made me question my sanity. In the last nine months it managed to morph from a show I loved to a show I can't stop watching because it's such a trainwreck. Glee now is in "so bad it's good" status, that's it's only appeal for me.

I really hope
Artie is the one dying next week. His whiny/douchey/bitchy/pompous character drags this show down so much

I was laughing my ass off
when Zev and Justin were suffering through that waxing. I don't think I've ever hated a team as much as them

It Never Ceases To Amaze Me
…how one team ALWAYS misses "you MUST walk" in the instructions

I used to love this show
Two things:

That chick in the floery dress is gonna be dissapointed when she finds out her "boyfriend" is a bottom. just sayin