Peel Away Velleity

He didn't direct High Fidelity. It was only mentioned in this article because of Jack Black. And my opinion on Linklater's film is opposite of yours. My navel looks beautiful, thank you.

Speaking as a rockist, if American Idol just absolutely had to taint our pure rock gods, I'd much rather have Chris Daughtry joining Fuel back then than this deal right here.

As a fan of their first EP, I have to say I will no longer be seeing M&A live. They only ever play one song now off of their debut, the song being "Everyplace is a House," in a subdued manner at that. The least they could do is pull out "The Ongoing Horrible"; it wouldn't jar with their more banal material of late.

you're ruining a lot of things for me

let's put the tolerability index on the tolerability index. the jpeg will probably settle near the right end of the spectrum, next to the term "infographic."

like, don't taint my rock/pop/soul section with your illwaves, man

the iron just got softer

eh, i like him. low hanging fruit tastes the most delicious

hi, I'm new to the AV club.

it's kinda like a microwave, but reverse. great for making jello.

I always mix this guy up with Yo La Tengo. I don't listen to either. What's wrong with me?

I saw The Raid: Redemption in theaters. Somehow I tricked myself into thinking I would enjoy an all-out action flick. I found myself resting my eyes during the shaky cam fights and gawking at the campy dialogue throughout the film. My girlfriend wanted to see Chimpanzee. I wish we did.

The new paperback edition of The Pale King boasts four new unpublished scenes, if you're just dying for more.