Chris Berman

Not sure how successful the boycott will be. If you go to your local newspaper's comment section, you'll see a bunch of thick-skulled cretins pledging to shop ONLY at Lowe's, you know, because of Lowe's commitment to freedom.

The voice wasn't bad, but Cuba Gooding Jr. has a pretty specific look to him that goes beyond "black guy," and Jay Pharaoh looks nothing like him.

I always thought that when he's cracking up, it's not Hader laughing at his own performance (he's too professional for that) but the character Stefon giggling because that's what the character does.

wave of the future wave of the future wave of the future wave of the future

slow-ass news day

"Wintered Debts" is phenomenal. I sense a resurgence in my Of Montreal fandom coming on. It's one of those bands that kind of comes and goes for me. The same qualities that make their music exciting can also make them exhausting.

The only track I skip is "Make the Bus," because it clearly doesn't fit on the album and it's even screechier than most other Of Montreal songs. But aside from that, the whole album motherfucking demands to be listened to as a piece. I don't think there's any "filler."

I need to stop reading these, because I get upset when someone says anything negative about Seinfeld. How can you dislike the Kramer-and-Smuckers subplot? Are you not human?

Well, she can't look TOO Mexican, otherwise my parents won't watch it.

Pete Rose

Last in Flight

Merry Listmas, everyone!

L. Ron Honey

If it's a joke, then use smiley-winky emoticons!!

as soon as I hit "post," I knew some asshole was gonna make this exact comment.

Claire hit on a good point. The song is catchy as hell, but it's no fun to sing. At least when I get a Barenaked Ladies song in my head I can sing it in that stupid Barenaked Ladies voice and have fun with it. But Wonderful Christmas Time is just 100% misery, especially since I only hear it when I'm being jostled by

I love a Wire fap-fest; everybody all friendly and shit.

I guess I wasn't clear. I meant that the hip-hop scene in Minneapolis thrives across a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, and therefore being of any certain race doesn't necessarily give an artist an advantage. I mean, my favorite Mpls emcee is a giant albino Muslim.

Mista F.

Actually, I believe the trend began with Grover Cleveland's much-ballyhooed guest performance in Olde Uncle Tolliver's Wonky-Wagon Roadshow.