who is the drizzle

This is truely sad, sadder yet that Gumball will probably be joining it.

No spoilers, but you might want to catch up with the comics.

Really wish CN would go move back to the traditional seasons, just can't take the wait…granted I might just be a spoiled old AT/RS fan used to a 2 wk break between seasons.

Not a terrible episode over all, but i thought it suffered from poorly balancing the target audience stuff with the darker bits. Also, creeper inquisitor.

True enough. At least you can squint at that one, because the nightsisters (well the older ones)
were Palpitined in the facial region anyway.

That's the part that makes it a stupid retcon, because the females are still just Dathomirian (harkening back to their pre-tcw status) but the males (or a portion anyway) are just some Zabraks that are on the planets,cause…. reasons i guess.

Only the male night sisters were Zabrak (yes ik they are night brothers but the entire thing was a stupid retcon on more stupid retcons).

Well it doesn't have Papa Lucas to be its sugar daddy, like tcw did.

One of the many reasons I didn't care for What's New. Freddy without his ascot is nearly as grave a sin as a Scooby movie without the Globetrotters.

Only difference being Nick hasn't been able to get a real new hit show going (or tried really hard to replace Spongebob, or Fairly Odd Parents), and CN has 3 or 4 current/seasoned shows it could throw in.

It's the same thing they did to Gumball for a while, they will play it to death then find something else. I really like Gumball, and no hard feeling for TTG, but that much over saturation just seem lazy and short sited.

"It's your new favorite show, because it's all we show"

Haven't seen the episode yet, but B- is pretty much where the series is for me.

Great episode, the entire exchange between Steven and Peridot itself warrants it an A imo.

Oh idk, DB franchise as a whole was well into 200 episodes before it became too unsustainable.

Was i imagining it, or was Connie's mom just going to leave Steven and hightail it out of there with connie when the mutant gem attack started?

Great series, decent episode, but felt much less final watching the All Growed Up episode right before it.

Considering what is already known of her past, I hope it is just meant to mess with anyone paying attention's head.