It holds up if he liked Freaks and Geeks during its initial run. If so, you're cooler than I was at that age.
It holds up if he liked Freaks and Geeks during its initial run. If so, you're cooler than I was at that age.
You've been saving this one haven't you
I'm a huge fan of "I Love It" but "All Night" feels like they took the most basic elements of "I Love It" and just made it a by-the-numbers 2013 pop song. Plus a lot of the phrasing they use in both songs is so similar.
Stuck in June? I'll be playing that album NEXTÂ June.
I can't think of a single song that gets me more immediately emotional than "Sing," and I don't understand why.
As big a VU fan as I am, I have to agree with VU+Nico on that list. Most of the other albums you mentioned (save Rumors and Born to Run obviously) probably wouldn't exist without it.
I can think of at least 5 Ween songs off the top of my head that are as bad as Poop Ship Destroyer.
I've been telling people for years, a vagina tattooed around your asshole would be AWESOME
If you were writing songs that good you'd be hard pressed not to make it as perfect as you possibly could on tape.
Lou Reed makes mainlining heroin and banging gross prostitutes sound like the coolest things on earth.
It's like Drake has no idea that Randy was created specifically as a satire of Drake and people like him.
"That Lydia character really knows how to expand a market," is probably what he was thinking but stopped himself from saying.
So what you're saying is Drake is raping us in the most boring way possible, we're all just stand here quietly waiting for it to be over.
I can see that coming across in their live show, from what I've heard of it. Kevin Barnes is, to me, way more interesting in the studio than BJM if only because he doesn't take himself half as seriously as they do.
I respect your opinion but my god is it wrong
This is my dream hate song. I would tear that shit apart if they gave me the chance.
How does one get "Vine enthusiast" added to their descriptors used in articles?
I heard they were awful live, but the recordings are fun.
How you wanna tag his style when he is
So like a pickle?