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"Speaking of Will McAvoy" Wow. It is one thing to feel a show is poor (I've read the reviews here, and I certainly don't agree with your reasoning or understanding of the show but to each their own opinion), however it is another thing to revel in the show ending when there are some people who are still legitimate

There are numerous examples of male characters explaining things to other male characters, female characters explaining things to male characters, and well, considerably less examples of female characters explaining things to female characters. Donna definitely won some arguments with Josh. That said, when she was the

There is more than one way to tell a story. If there weren't entertainment would be boring and there would be no such thing as art.

Wittgenstein said that private languages don't work. If someone wants to make an argument about how they've been diminished, I'm willing to listen, but if people insist on using slang that sounds like it came from Urban Dictionary, well I won't go very far out of my way to find out what they meant. And frankly, the

It seems much of the internet didn't like this episode (Atlantic and The New Yorker). Most or all of the commenters here agree with her, though I've got to say her argument flew over my head. Sorkin should have been more empathetic? Can someone give me an example of what that would look like that would not get this