
A year, maybe.
2 years, understandable
but 3 bloody years without The Americans?
But they have the balls to put House of Cards and—good lord—Downton Abbey?

You have no idea how much laugh I had when Martha said with such a straight face, "he actually *attacked* the mail robot."

not microfiche, but I used quite a few microfilms last week for my research paper.

"Felix and Cosima getting stoned together"
This better happen soon.

Maybe it's because I'm Canadian. Didn't know it was different in US. In Canada, Heartland refers to areas near Great Lakes where industries boomed. The wheat-producing areas are called Prairies here.

I always thought Heartland was the region around Great Lakes.

I was worried that this show would be a one-season wonder: that it was going to be crushed under its own weight by being overly ambitious, or worst, disappointing. I guess I didn't need to worry. I can't wait to watch the new episodes.

I think it has its moments. Especially the last week's episode.

I have a feeling we will get a Stan's episode focusing mostly on Stan, just like how we got Nina's episode today. So far, ever since episode 3 we never saw his character develop significantly, but we do know that the world around him (Mrs. Beeman, Nina, possibly his job, and the whole espionage war itself) is slowly

everytime I look at her now, I feel like I'm looking at a female Conan O'Brien.

Squeeze your anus

The sun is sinking in the west…..

There is something called hyperbole and comical exaggeration.

- she was drunk, so I think it kinda explains why. Drunken people say crazier things.
- I think that awkwardness was exactly what they were going for there
- Maybe that's the point: she's not a good mother (yet). She's been so focused with her work, and with the paranoia going on in this season, it's understandable