Mr. Pants

Those bars are just junk! They're made of apple cores and Chinese newspapers!

I'm MC Clippy and I'm here to say
Looks like you're writing a letter in an inefficient way!

Then give him a high five!

The Barack Hussein Obama Story

Slitting your wrists and watching the life flow out of you, while slowly getting giddier and enjoying the warm embrace of death: 4 Stars.

Ah yeah, I could probably lighten up, but even insipid shit like the fact that The Bachelor is something that exists pisses me off.

We also celebrate war in the same way. But even then we're not saying war is great, we are saying that the craft that the writers, actors, and directors used to make a compelling story set in the war, or the mob in this case, is what deserves credit. This bottom dweller has already had her 15 minutes in the spotlight

The fact that they are evening acknowledging her death is more than she deserves.

Why the fuck are we celebrating these people? I'm not happy that she is dead, but seriously, do we need to glorify these reality star assholes?