
Maybe I'm a fanboy, but I hate the idea of ignoring Ghostbusters 1 and 2. It's a lazy approach, and I'd argue, actually more disrespectful of those films. I'm sorry, but Ghostbusters is more than a logo — those characters and stories mean something to people. I'd take Aykroyd's original plan over this.

Ghostbusters 2 is nowhere near as bad as its legend has become. Reitman
is correct: it's 2/3 of a great movie, and is pretty hilarious much of
the time. "I turned into a dog once and they helped me" is one of my
favorite lines ever.

Just saw the film, and this review pretty much nailed it.

Just saw the film, and this review pretty much nailed it.

Not everyone hated it - mainly, it was the bonehead critics you discuss - after all, it did have a #1 single.

Not everyone hated it - mainly, it was the bonehead critics you discuss - after all, it did have a #1 single.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply! When I watch again on DVD, I will try and keep these in mind. Believe me, I was ready to love this film. Just couldn't get past some of these things.

I liked the Avengers, but I'm kind of baffled as to how critics are overlooking some major (and minor) problems:

I hate to do this, but Max Weinberg did not play drums on "Born to Run."

As much as I've tried, I just can't get past his voice. M. Ward always sounds to me like he's singing right as he's about to doze off after a big turkey dinner. I love the tracks and his guitar playing, but not the voice.

The codpiece was an odd addition made by David Finch when he redesigned the costume for Batman Inc. Thankfully, Jim Lee ditched it when he re-redesigned it for the New 52.