ted pikul

This one has less acne.

This one has less acne.

Wardrobe malfunction exposing that she's 15 cm dilated!

Wardrobe malfunction exposing that she's 15 cm dilated!

Totally agree. Many in the left love this stuff just to show how witty they think they are, but that's it. Amusing, but it's a waste of time. It's fucking Oct. 16th, people.

Totally agree. Many in the left love this stuff just to show how witty they think they are, but that's it. Amusing, but it's a waste of time. It's fucking Oct. 16th, people.

7 million jobs from here, 3 from there, 2 from there,…12 million! You're not gonna check the work, are you?

7 million jobs from here, 3 from there, 2 from there,…12 million! You're not gonna check the work, are you?

Oh, god. Is this a Code Pink thing? Because it reminds me of that Code-Pink brand of useless street theater for the bored that I find really ineffective in accomplishing pretty much anything.

Oh, god. Is this a Code Pink thing? Because it reminds me of that Code-Pink brand of useless street theater for the bored that I find really ineffective in accomplishing pretty much anything.

Robocop can wash dishes in that suit!

Robocop can wash dishes in that suit!

Especially once viewers find out that the whole movie is set in Coachella and Robocop spends the whole movie arresting kids on ecstasy.

Especially once viewers find out that the whole movie is set in Coachella and Robocop spends the whole movie arresting kids on ecstasy.

You mean the Fender bass favored by rhythm sections nowadays?

You mean the Fender bass favored by rhythm sections nowadays?

Lindsay Lohan as the pesky interceptor of the goo that Miggs likes to throw around.

Lindsay Lohan as the pesky interceptor of the goo that Miggs likes to throw around.

I totally remember that, especially because most of his sister's scenes involved her sobbing hysterically while strapped to an electric chair or something. You kinda wanted her to fry.

I totally remember that, especially because most of his sister's scenes involved her sobbing hysterically while strapped to an electric chair or something. You kinda wanted her to fry.