
In Britain, they're "jumpers," not sweaters. Do hockey players jump?

Patrick Swayze?

Somehow, that's the word that comes to mind.

They can't sit right behind the driver. Too distracting.

Star Wars, but in space!

Once the kids get old enought to read for themselves, most parents don't have a clue what's in their kids' books. For example, there's a Meg Cabot "young adult" (= teen) book called "Ready or Not" with detailed instructions about how girls can use the stream of water in the bath as an aid to masturbation, in

True southerners don't call it "The Civil War." It is the War Between the States." And it isn't over. The Confederacy is just taking a break to regroup and await the failure of the North's industrial economy.

Texas and Australia both have similarly cutesy place-names that stuck. Suspension of disbelief is not that difficult here. And it is more amusing than most, while also suggesting that these places were named by explorers and pioneers rather than astronomers or other scientists.

He only hates the real America. He's just fine with the part that has prosthetics.

It says Chicken of the Sea, but I thought it was tuna.

Spotted Dick and mushy peas and such can be had at the local Kroger. My wife loves to bake scones, but double cream requires a trip to the British specialty store.

Evel: well done. We needed that back story in order to put Chang into context. And also to have something going during the opening credits.

Davy Jones had a big part in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Not as much of a cutie as he used to be, but who is?

When I was a 7 year-old cub scout in Las Vegas, our den mother had a nude painting of herself hung on the wall over the roulette table they had to move out of the way for each meeting.

Oh, and Neal Stephenson is not necessarily an SF writer. There are SF elements in Snow Crash, Zodiac, The Big U and Anathem, but not so much in Cryptonomicon or the big swashbuckler trilogy.

So why was this movie worth reading about? That is not clear.

Required reading
Like many, my High School english curriculum included Farenheit 451. Surprisingly, it also required Dandelion Wine. DW was pretty, but slight nostalgia.

merely considering Heinlein's ideas does not make anyone a fascist. Aside from Starship Troopers, most of his work explored libertarian (and anarchist?) themes. Heinlein's "competent man" was all about self-sufficiency.

Now you are splitting hairs.

I didn't know.