
if you need a million for that, then you are not doing it right.

Pilgrim, you are better at soccer when you are drunk?

My youngest is a Captain on his school's Academic Challenge team. They've been to Nationals the last two years, and expect to return this year.

who wants to be a Millionaire
I attended an audition for "Who Wants to be a Milionaire." Passed the written test, but then choked in the interview. They asked, "What would you do with a million dollars if you won?"

Evidence of ringo's character
Of all the Beatles, Ringo was the one most likely to support other musicians. Just off the top of my head, I recall that he made special concert appearances for The Band and for Carl Perkins, as well as many others. I can't recall McCartney or Lennon ever doing that. Not sure about

So did FDR.

I didn't either, but I got little pop-top cans of pudding and fruit. Were they called "Snack-Packs"?

That would make my hair curl.

I agree that Bradbury tried to hard to be "literary." The only reason you can say Asimov and Clark did not try hard enough? They never had a clue how to begin trying in the first place.

Just some jazz singer.

I see it now. The cure for "firsties." Rather than delete them, AVC should simply move the the ones that are actually first. Then they will be mocked and humiliated until no one will ever try again.

I like cats and dogs just fine, as long as they belong to someone else. Big dogs are easier to tolerate than the little yappy ones, though.

There is NO good way to serve lutefisk. That's a lye.

Maybe if she was just listing the first movie three times . . .

Sorry, all I had was a Catch-22 allusion that really didn't work here. You're on your own.

Lonestar is a really great movie about how arbitrary borders and rules can be. My wife used to show it in her college Sociology class.

We have ugly bookcases, and my wife hates to have them out in the living room. We can't afford better book cases, because my wife keeps buying more books (okay — I buy a few myself). And with over 3,000 books in the house, there just isn't nough space to put them somewhere else.

Thanks, AJR. I had no idea how to transcribe that part. Now I know.

3x posts, on the other hand, aren't all that amusing.

But "Big Trouble in Little China" can never be over-rated.