
I grew up in Pasadena and Spring Branch. These days, I live near the med center and work downtown.

Been holding that in too long?

Actually, the ministry imposed the dementors over D's objections, and he did not know about the basilisk until after Harry killed it. You are correct, though, about the acromantula and the whomping willow. And don't forget, his teachers included a half-giant as well as a werewolf.

You're welcome. If the money were there, I'd have loved to be a teacher.

Locals are always jaded
Locals almost never see the touristy stuff, unless entertaining guests from out of town. I lived in Houston more than 20 years, but never took the NASA tour until we had a guest from Germany.

I disagree that becoming popular and relevant again means that Santana must have started sucking.

You are in Texas? Whereabouts? I'm in Houston.

No, Arnold. It is not supposed to change anybody's opinion of that title. It was simply to remind people that there are heroes amongst us.

Maybe you ought to take a hard look at the schools in Lake Woebegone. I hear all of their kids score above average.

For those of you unfamiliar with the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, volunteers took interstate buses from all over the country to come down south and support the marchers, protesters, and other civil rights workers. The US Supreme Court held that interstate travelers were not bound by local segregation laws, so these

If you were married to a librarian, you'd be sleeping on the couch tonight.

My favorite line in any song, ever, is in "Wish You Were Here:"

I really hate it when someone assumes we must ALL have some pet peeve. Well, I don't! Not even one! So quit making those generalizations, because I am not . . .

LoL. I see your irony, "I love races," and now I intend to ruin your point by driving it into the ground.

See, he's meta. He's actually making fun of people who buy into that hacky old trope.

Nice job, Percy.

Um, at my schools, the library was always open until at least 4:30, for kids to do homework. Librarian was a full day's work.

Actually, Hagrid was repeatedly depicted as too clueless and insecure to be a decent teacher. He is good and loyal, but even his friends struggle to find anything positive about his teaching.

I blame Stanley Kaplan.

I'm in my mid-forties. My daughter is 20 , which probably makes her older than most of the other commenters here.