

Eddie Murphy
My daughter is a big fan of his site, but it has never really appealed to me.

Better than cashing in on someone else's blackness.

Monsters, that is pure gold. I never read anything that funny before. Ever. It's like I was a virgin for that type of faux-intellectual humor. Thanks for opening my eyes to a brand new day.

Nope. No caffeine in Barq's, or any root beer I know of.

The only people who really need to yell about it are the ones pushing the envelope. The mainstream types have no need to yell, because they are well inside the limits. So Larry Flynt becomes a defender of our freedom. Sorta.

We need a name specifically for those posters who try to bait a response from ZoMoFo. Can we call them ZoMoTrolls? Or can another clever person come up with something better?

I figured most people old enough would know about it already — but every now and then, a new generation of web surfers should be introduced to the classics.

Fanta root beer actually used to be a very good brand, but I can never find it anymore. Barq's is everywhere. Not my favorite, but still better than any other soda flavor.

I could live with any of those options, though Uma really isn't plain enough. Bit of a challenge for the make-up and costume depts., eh?

Twinkie Project online
Speaking of experimental protocols, there's an amusing report online from some scientific tests involving twinkies. Enjoy:

Testing procedures
Oreos are pretty good, but I like a very cold (near freezing) glass of skim milk to go with mine.

Shakes with real bananas are good — in fact, you want to get more banana flavor by going with a banana that is nearly over-ripe. Fake banana flavoring, though, is WACK.

Actually, it is a derogatory terms for a black person who acts white (dark on the outside, but white on the inside). It is an accusation that the derogatee is abandoning his or her cultural roots.

Who would you cast for the witches?

I enjoyed the way Shakespeare's "life" included so many bits that appeared in his plays — a knowing wink at the "write what you know" advice to all the new young writers. I studied Shakespeare repeatedly while acquiring my E Lit degree, and my wife was embarrassed that I laughed at so many allusions she simply did

Obvious comparison overlooked
How does this stand up, when compared to the classic "Summer Lovers," with the young Daryl Hannah and Valerie Quennessen?

Stories about Shakespeare
I know it's not at all cool, but I've always enjoyed "Shakespeare in Love." I also like Pratchett's "Wyrd Sisters." Yes, I know neither fits the criteria for this list. I just wanted to express an actual opinion, before I resume making silly responses to other people's comments.

No, I think that would count as a "boyhood," rather than a "manhood."

Yes, Johnny. Exactly that Dickish. Dudeface, thanks for dragging my subtle point out of the shadows — but really, I thought it looked better in the shade.