
Or imagine if a chimpanzee played the role of Robin Williams. That would be - -

Yeah, that would have been really dickish.

Generic paper bag? They missed a great opportunity for some product placement. What do you think the local supermarket chain would pay, to have their name and logo on a paper bag . . . hiding the face of a lunatic slasher?

They could create a whole new subplot for the female character. By day, English aristocrat. But at night, she dons a wig and becomes a pop star!

DEATH BY PHONE — It's coming from inside your house!

Um, those coconut shells? High in bad fats. That's true on even-numbered days, anyway.

Rock n Roll Hamburger U

OOOH! Rumble tonight, between the prescriptivists and the descriptivists! The prescriptivists will bash with their dictionaries, while the descriptivists will hit back with rolled up literary journals.

For that, you need a caped crusader.

Just watch "Muriel's Wedding." If you're a guy, get a woman to watch it with you, just in case somebody sees.

All going to Madagascar!

How many lawyers have we got here?

No, the lesson is that there are a lot of idiots who worship celebrity.

And Clayton was the leading candidate for Texas governor when he told that joke TO SOME REPORTERS. That's how Ann Richards became governor. Texans are far too smart to elect an obvious idiot for governor . . . um, wait.

computer animation actually lends itself quite readily to sequels. Once you have the character coded in, then it costs virtually nothing to use it over and over (i.e., Geri from the short, making his cameo as the toy refurbisher in TS2).

Motion capture can be abused, but it has its place. If I want to direct a movie that centers on human characters, but includes fantastic elements that will require a lot of CGI (like, say, a monsterous house), then it can make sense to say the entire movie should be animated. But what if I've never been satisfied

Nice idea.

Or Unico

No, that is the Pokemon Primer.

Boundin deserves some love for that fact that all the narration and dialogue is metered and rhymed, start to finish.