
TS2 offered some really great characterization for the human villain. He was well-conceived and well-developed.

I'll be right there with you, Andre. A movie doesn't have to be Citizen Kane and establish 15 new techniques before it can qualify as a "classic."

Actually, the earth-tones of the 70's are making a big comeback. I'm rooting for "avocado."

Cheech Marin

Actually, I really enjoyed Monster House. You don't watch it for the quality of the animation. You watch it for the characterization, the humor, and the action sequences. It's no classic, but it holds up on repeated viewing.

When Bugs disguised himself, he used drag a lot more often than necessary. Word is, the script NEVER called for drag. But some days, that's how Bugs would show up for shooting. He was the star, so they went with it.

Another coffee-case tid-bit: the jury reached its original "unreasonable" damage award because the evidence showed the temp setting was McDonalds corporate policy (despite numerous prior injuries), and the damages awarded equalled just one day of McDonald's corp. profits from coffee sales.

Thank-ya. Thank-ya very much.

Dunno. Bubba Ho-Tep was pretty entertaining, but did it have any quotable lines?

It's not so much that his death came too soon, as that his life just wasn't big enough.

See, it's a muddled movie about a muddled generation. It's muddled on purpose! Maybe.

You want fries with that?

Hey, I know! What about Orson Wells in "The Muppets Take Manhattan."

Sometimes the job requires sifting through boxes and boxes of documents. In fact, that is true of almost every civil lawsuit. Doesn't mean it makes good cinema.

Or maybe Gumbercules is just claiming to have the strength of ten ordinary Gumbies, because he's the illegitimate son of a deity from a defunct pantheon.

No, you got it wrong. Anyone who doesn't agree with ME is a jerk. Of course, I will only share my opinions (and thus educate you as to your jerkitude) AFTER you have stuck your neck out and asserted some "opinion" that you were stupid enough to think might be respected as an expression of YOUR personal taste. HAH!

I grew up with Spielberg's movies, but I enjoyed this Primer. The Primer seems to be aimed at providing a basic intro to influential pop-culture types. By any standard, Spielberg fits those criteria.

Or Michael Caine. I always think of Michael Caine whenever anyone mentions "working actors."


If AVC wants to encourage logging in
It would help if the login box regularly and prominently appeared on the AVC home page, so I didn't have to go looking for it all the time.