Mike Cecconi

While Lisa's meta lines kind of smack us over the head now… think about American culture at the time the episode was actually produced. Mainstream American television culture was not nearly as meta friendly as it is now, it may be an artifact of time, not bad writing.

Remember back in the halcyon days when we thought that the nerdiest weirdest thing a person could be into was, like, maybe LARPing or something? "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!" and all that? We were so innocent. We didn't know that we were mere years away from middle aged men masturbating to cartoon ponies in a

Am I the only one who can't conceptually divide out the ideas of Ryan Reynolds and Dane Cook in their mind? I'm serious. Blandly attractive frat-brag types, both the pinnacles of mediocrity in their fields? They're like the same guy.

They exist when Fripp wants 'em to and when he doesn't, Belew tours with whatever Crim-associated figures want to, in smaller venues and a semi-Crim-related name. It seems to work for all involved.

This IS probably my favourite Mr. Show skit ever. Now do "Sausages" from Kids In The Hall and I will be a very happy imaginary internet person.

Will they perform as The Fire Fighters? Will we at least get THAT much out of the wasteland that is post Hartman SNL?

Krusty will come to this thread and bring us food and water and smite our enemies.

That's the name of Fiona Apple's next album.  “I Deeply Apologize To The McClain Family For Retweeting Their Address.
It Was A Mistake. Please Leave The McClain's In Peace. Justice In
Court.” Gonna be a hoot.

2nd best television Christmas special, after Mr. Magoo. So good. SO GOOD.

While "Baby Its Cold Outside" is a truly awful and rape-y song, the worst Christmas song of all is "Christmas Wrapping" by the Waitresses… not the first time of the season, mind you, the first time it is merely annoying.