
Why the Blais hate?
I felt like the whole Judge's table was designed to screw with Blais. I know he'd kind of arrogant but that was just mean. There was really no reason to tell Mike that he was safe and then leave three of them there to tremble in fear. Other than to scare poor Richie.

I was wondering the same thing. California's high cost of living?

Barney's beard
When Barney was pretending to be the doctor you could see the glue in his beard. At first I thought it was an accident turns out it was a nice touch.

Damn it. Bear not beat. I'm going to sleep now. Never mind the night screams.

It is smoky bear not smoky THE beat. Bear is his last name.

It's the fucking catalina wine mixer!

Always sunny
The Halloween party at paddy's. Dee in a bird costume, Dennis lookin all sexy and drunk ass Charlie. Good times.

Ahggree. Highballs and jazz, sounds fun.Kind of the right level of opulence while still having a good time.

Things that are great
1. Dennis taking being compared to a serial killer as a compliment
2. The fact that Dennis and Charlie were the onlyones in tuxes

The numbers
If this episode had aired last year I would have been so excited to hear hurley say the numbers. Instead I'm just reminded that half the final season was some bullshit afterlife waste of time.

To be fair, we all want to see sawyer's Wang.

Yes, she sounds horrible live. And not very good recorded.

Who does she have dirt on?
How did someone who can't write or sing become such a successful singer songwriter?

I hate bam margera
That is all.

Zoolander would be much better
If someone else played Zoolander. Ben Stiller did not pull it off. He's not good looking enough to make up for his unfunnyness.

And the look on his face while he's doing it. Just priceless.

Wide Stance
I can't believe you jabronies haven't mentioned how great it was when Charlie took the wide stance. Here are the reasons why it was great:
1. it confirmed that he was wearing those shorts because of Dennis
2. His new wide stance was no wider than in his old shorts
3. you got to remember Dennis doing the

I read that as John McCaine, and I thought waiting for new adventures of John McCain was just the default activity of AV clubbers now.

Can we add Sarah Palin to that too?

Best thing I've read all day, The Writer. I don't know why but this cracked my shit up. If dygitalninja's novel was that good it would be the next Da Vinci Code..