
But didn't he give one of his Steve Winwood CD's to Bumblebee man in the spin class? He must have multiple copies. I love random jokes like this.

I have been looking for the av talk about the last episode of lost did they take it down for some reason?

HEN-the same thing spoiled it for me. I was googling to see when the DVD came out. Oddly enough the knowledge kind of enhanced my enjoyment of the season. I found rita very annoying so it kind of helped knowing her days were numnbered.

@Malcovich: you mean Johnny English? He was great in that! Also Con Air! I think he just does every movie he gets a script for.

Damn it Alcing. You made me laugh and I woke up my baby.

The v is for vagina.

I love Johnny English
As if Atkinson isn't funny enough, add John malcovich's terrible accent and we have a movie full of win. And oddly attractive men. Looking at you malcovich
and Bough.

This thread blows my mind. Seiously av clubbin isn't your day job?

If you believe Bourdain chefs love the drugs

And that presiden'ts name: Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Palin Situation

Does anyone know which disk? That way I can just get that one from netflix.

Wait she did it with Rhett miller too? I've always hated her because she has been with every celebrity i've even been mildly attracted to. Including Dave pirner of soul asylum.

My abusive relationship with Lost continues
I thought I would be able to quit after feeling let down by the finale. The on island stuff was ok but the fact that the flash sideways really didn't made anything still makes me feel so used. They wasted half a season on it and it seems like they could have just stuck all

Bob gave me something way better than death to be afraid of.

Why does everyone keep spelling it "whole"? Isn't it a hole in the skyline?

She dresses like charlize Theron on arrested development who was MRF but i'm sure it's just to show she is a quirky artist.

Corddry's past shows
Did I dream it or did Rob Corddry used to be on a really funny show on fox for a while?

Nope, no bright side. Just more crappy vampire shows and ouch my balls.

And this is probably the only thing most people will know about the confirmation hearings.

Cake is man's greatest creation. Cake with good frosting, that is. That whipped cream crap fills me with rage.