
My guess on Lyric is that she finds out she needs some more money for her and Twitch to get into that nice apartment, decides to hit the streets, gets picked up by the killer, and that's what sets in motion his capture.

Yeah, the awkward making a pass scene gets my vote as the best scene in this entire series yet. When they butted heads, that was quite electric.

Surprised I was digging this, because I thought this project seemed not-too-promising on paper when I first read about it. But yeah, sounds like a nice Spoon track.

Love this song, album, and band. I was just thinking recently that my favorite moment of music on record this year is when "Master of My Craft" barrels headlong into the count off into "Borrowed Time."

A lot of great scenes in this ep, but not much chatter about one I found really great - the little conversation between the bald guard's wife and the other portly guard. That was excruciatingly awkward. And could it have been setting up the portly guard as someone cold and detached enough to be the killer?

Yeah, I actually yelled "come on!" at the TV screen when he didn't pick up that call. That reads as either another contrivance by the writers to stall on the killer's reveal or another dumb move by one of the detectives on this show. I like how a street kid did better detective work in 10 minutes of the show than

Random celeb sighting - I just saw Mike D and his family at a little restaurant in Santa Barbara yesterday. So that was cool.

You can't masturbate to Diane Kruger?

I've been curious about what the crazy sex act she referred to in that review is.

And a very quick transition from awkward boning to awkward incarceration in a bomb shelter.

Why you raggin' on Creepy Andy Samberg?

I'm still frustrated with the detectives from two episodes ago because they haven't really mined the druggy mom for all she knows. I keep expecting somebody to sit down with her (maybe not Linden, who already had a chance but was only bitchy about the mom being uncooperative sooner) and try to claw through her

Yeah, I got the feeling something is up with that guy in the other cell. He seems to be set up as some kind of double to Pastor Mike - spouting crap about forgiveness and eternity, even kind of looks like him.

Hadn't considered it could be Koteas' character, but this is The Killing, so I suppose any twist or turn is possible. But I was actually thinking that Koteas has been an unsung asset to the show this year. He seems to be doing an even more minimalist take on the trope of the already minimalist, taciturn, trying to

I think the show definitely wants us to consider the possibility that it's Becker. He's cold, sadistic, and was conspicuously missing from his job one night (although I'm not completely sure if, within the timeline of the show, that was the same night the girl got away from her attacker).

But then why would she have been all beat up beyond just her finger being chopped off?

I'm guessing they might show the scene of the mom getting away from him in more detail in flashback later when she gets questioned more thoroughly about what happened?

As long as Mills isn't just dropped like we should all forget about him. Don't we need to know why he was in the porn tapes, why he has Callie's phone, and why he's now seemingly disappeared?

Yeah, he has read as secretly creepy from the get go.

I'm weirded out by Damien Jurado being involved with this.