
Could be that coupled with the fact that you wouldn't assume a voice like hers would come out of a cute young woman like that. I bet if you played her music for people who knew nothing about her, the majority of people would assume she's a rather grizzled, world-weary woman in her mid-40s with a long history of

Good question! I've been wondering how much Anderson is going to stick with all the sex that's in the book, because if he does, damn, this could be like his pseudo-sequel to Boogie Nights.

Was the title of the second episode a reference to the Victoria Williams song "Crazy Mary?"

I know it was the secondary storyline, but I thought the Ben and Sammy story was almost as squirm-worthy as the kidnapping story. I kept expecting Ben to just fess up and stop the insanity, especially when they were chasing Strokeface. The fact that he didn't marks him as quite the psychopath.

This ep did remind me of the episode of Six Feet Under when the one brother got kidnapped, which is not a good memory. That was jump the shark territory for that show, and while I don't think this ep was that egregious, I will agree with you that it had its over-the-topness.

The Limey should be much more near the top of this list, if you ask me.

The Limey should be much more near the top of this list, if you ask me.

It's actually not a bad book - a kind of novel in short stories, similar to Visit from the Goon Squad, which I believe HBO is also adapting. Think Short Cuts moved up 20 years and to the Eastside of L.A.

There is plenty of sex and violence in the book, actually.

Love both bands, but the difference of course is Luna stuck around a bit longer and therefore was making sub-prime product by the end of that band's run. With a scant three, all pretty much outstanding albums, Galaxie 500 didn't leave behind many off notes.

Love both bands, but the difference of course is Luna stuck around a bit longer and therefore was making sub-prime product by the end of that band's run. With a scant three, all pretty much outstanding albums, Galaxie 500 didn't leave behind many off notes.

Let's get primitive right now!

Let's get primitive right now!

Onana is just a horrible name for a little girl. Seriously. Talk about bad parenting.

Onana is just a horrible name for a little girl. Seriously. Talk about bad parenting.

Luna's "Slide" has one of the funniest opening lines of all time: "You can never give the finger to the blind." Hilarity. .

Luna's "Slide" has one of the funniest opening lines of all time: "You can never give the finger to the blind." Hilarity. .

Gotta chime in and agree with those saying this grade is a bit harsh. Sure, the sound might be same-y here, but that's not such a bad thing when this band has refined that garage rock sound in such a tight, hook-laden way. If "Flood's New Light" isn't a contender for song of the year to your ears, then your ears don't

Gotta chime in and agree with those saying this grade is a bit harsh. Sure, the sound might be same-y here, but that's not such a bad thing when this band has refined that garage rock sound in such a tight, hook-laden way. If "Flood's New Light" isn't a contender for song of the year to your ears, then your ears don't

It was barely even a vision of the future. I have a three year old who already knows how to download things on my iPhone.