
Ha! Do the writers not really know what would constitute a large number of hits on a YouTube video? Maybe they have similar rosy (har har har) views of the show's ratings, then, too.

Because they have more power to resist the sunk cost fallacy than I do?

Because they have more power to resist the sunk cost fallacy than I do?

Or what about Dakota Fanning? Or does she not want to get typecast in punker chick roles after The Runaways?

Or what about Dakota Fanning? Or does she not want to get typecast in punker chick roles after The Runaways?

The one time I saw her live at Spaceland (now the Satellite) in L.A. she was definitely having sound problems. Spent most the night berating the sound people for not putting enough reverb in her vocals.

The one time I saw her live at Spaceland (now the Satellite) in L.A. she was definitely having sound problems. Spent most the night berating the sound people for not putting enough reverb in her vocals.

The Roller Coaster album is a stone classic. It has recently worked its way into my pantheon of all-time favorite albums.

The Roller Coaster album is a stone classic. It has recently worked its way into my pantheon of all-time favorite albums.

Can we get a definition on "luthier?"

Can we get a definition on "luthier?"

Let me be the FIRST to point out that Marissa Nadler makes hauntingly beautiful music while also being hauntingly beautiful. I mean, I'm sure I'm actually not the the first to state such things, but you get the point.

Let me be the FIRST to point out that Marissa Nadler makes hauntingly beautiful music while also being hauntingly beautiful. I mean, I'm sure I'm actually not the the first to state such things, but you get the point.

Yeah, what was the premise of that AV piece a while back - that the mark of a true great band is a run of five great albums? I would say the Walkmen are setting themselves up nicely for such a run with their last three albums.

Yeah, what was the premise of that AV piece a while back - that the mark of a true great band is a run of five great albums? I would say the Walkmen are setting themselves up nicely for such a run with their last three albums.

I thought poorly of the shrink in all of these same ways at first, too, but I thought toward the very end of that last scene with her that the show was trying to make us wonder if she might, in her own clunky way, push Linden into some connection that would help solve the case.

I thought poorly of the shrink in all of these same ways at first, too, but I thought toward the very end of that last scene with her that the show was trying to make us wonder if she might, in her own clunky way, push Linden into some connection that would help solve the case.

Didn't one of Seattle's major newspapers fold recently? Maybe Sud is making some backhand comment about the ongoing death of print media.

Didn't one of Seattle's major newspapers fold recently? Maybe Sud is making some backhand comment about the ongoing death of print media.

Ha! Nice. Hadn't thought of that song in eons. What was a worse '90s rap song, "Ditty" or "You Can't Play With my Yo-Yo?"