
Ha! Nice. Hadn't thought of that song in eons. What was a worse '90s rap song, "Ditty" or "You Can't Play With my Yo-Yo?"

I read the book a long time ago (was it really way back when I was in high school?) and remember liking it for the ennui of a newspaper reporter covering a big plane crash, but I certainly don't remember the kink.

I read the book a long time ago (was it really way back when I was in high school?) and remember liking it for the ennui of a newspaper reporter covering a big plane crash, but I certainly don't remember the kink.

The reviewer must not like comedic jokes.

The reviewer must not like comedic jokes.

Did the other three intentionally make him stand farther away from them because he's not as famous?

Did the other three intentionally make him stand farther away from them because he's not as famous?

Now can the Hall apologize for Brian Eno still not being in there?

Now can the Hall apologize for Brian Eno still not being in there?

Possibly the best scene of the season so far. Gotta respect a scene that is simultaneously crack-up hilarious and cringe-worthy.

Possibly the best scene of the season so far. Gotta respect a scene that is simultaneously crack-up hilarious and cringe-worthy.

Yeah, the Larsen family dynamics have largely annoyed me, but now I'm realizing maybe I've misread how horribly repressed they all are. Mitch doesn't stop that dude cold talking about Rosie and tell him she's dead? Stan doesn't tell Mitch "get the fuck back here and care for your kids who are still around!"? Wow,

Yeah, the Larsen family dynamics have largely annoyed me, but now I'm realizing maybe I've misread how horribly repressed they all are. Mitch doesn't stop that dude cold talking about Rosie and tell him she's dead? Stan doesn't tell Mitch "get the fuck back here and care for your kids who are still around!"? Wow,

I thought they really missed a chance for greatness by failing to use Rusted Root's "Send Me on My Way," a song tailor made for goofy hippie dancing. 

I thought they really missed a chance for greatness by failing to use Rusted Root's "Send Me on My Way," a song tailor made for goofy hippie dancing. 

I thought Moynihan was also the MVP of that hippie dancing skit.

I thought Moynihan was also the MVP of that hippie dancing skit.

I noticed from the get-go of that bit that that was a very short skirt that seemed to be flirting with danger.

I noticed from the get-go of that bit that that was a very short skirt that seemed to be flirting with danger.

Seems more like Hamm is intent on becoming the next Justin Timberlake "handsome guy who just shows up every now and then even if he's not hosting."