
Nice. Does anyone even remember a time when she was still marginally attractive?

Because it will be male???

Can't wait for the sequel Second Position: She Hops on Top.

I'm too lazy to hunt this down on teh intranets, so I'll just ask it here: has this band ever owned up to naming itself after a cheer one might here at an NBA home game in Orlando?

Ugh, she's every L.A. indie rock chanteuse that thinks she is way more attractive than she actually is. No thanks.

Two things about that ep: A) I think it was the show's weird echo of the Six Feet Under episode in which that show really went off the rails with the story line about Michael C. Hall's character being tortured and B) that ep featured possibly the best single moment of the entire show: at the very end, with Kenny and

It's funny, a friend and I were just talking about music that is "good angry" and "scary angry." I held up the Pixies as "good angry"—just enough volume and random screaming to vent some rage. But then there's the "scary angry" of Elliott Smith—erase yourself levels of angry at the world. Definitely whenever I'm angry

Yeah, like they're really gonna kill off Kinnaman's (SP?) character at this point. Isn't he the breakout star of the show?

News to me in this ep that the kid is only, what did they say, 13? 14? I definitely thought he was much later in his teen years.

Is she pregnant with Fred Armisen's baby? Because she's looking a bit thick lately.

Ditto on the appreciation! I always want to go back and pause my DVR and read them all but never take the time to. And to think I would have missed the great crack on jean shorts!

Yeah, him and Woody Allen have definitely been morphing into the same person in my mind for years. Not just the looks, but the particularly antic New Yawky neurosis as well.

I've always coupled Joel McHale and John Krasinski together in the "why haven't they ever hosted SNL" ranks. Do you think some people just turn it down?

Wow, I totally remember that show but do not remember (especially Bill Nye) but do not remember McHale being on it.

Ditto, especially given that skit at least gives Ri-Ri a chance to show that she doesn't take herself too seriously, which is exactly not what her two performances on this show pointed to.

The worst was when they didn't ask Terry more about her connection with whoring and her niece. I wanted them to straight out ask if she pimped Rosie out to her rich crush object.

Apparently they are allowed to be horrible at their jobs. There were many moments in tonight's episode where I wanted to scream "Ask more questions! Stop just staring straight ahead dumbfounded!" at the screen.

At least that line garnered a chuckle in an otherwise dull episode. And by "otherwise dull episode" I of course mean the norm for The Killing.

Is dude any relation to Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil?

SCOTUS always sounds like an STD to me.