
Doesn't seem to matter much in this episode but who knows if there will be a ludicrous connection later.

You forgot "tells his little boy to beat the shit out of his classmates."

I did like the reference to Zankou Chicken. Almost as funny as when Beck name-dropped it in "Debra."

Accusing an SNL skit of dragging on too long is like accusing an HBO drama of having too much gratuitous boobage. Obvs.

Seriously, you would think Holder would ease up on the slacker dumbass shit after being revealed for the stupid pawn that he was, but that would only happen in a show where anything actually makes logical sense.

Ms. Sud stays up an night sitting still and staring into the distance meaningfully, like most of her characters.

One more season with Kenny adjusting to family life with absolutely no thought of returning to baseball?

"The Murder Mystery" tops an ongoing list a friend and I are compiling that we call "holy fuck! songs." Pretty self-explanatory - songs that, the first time you heard them, made you exclaim "holy fuck!" "Sister Ray" definitely makes the list. Possibly "The Gift" as well.

Agreed. I always listen to it because it cracks me up. Something about the word "maudlin" is just funny to me.

If you don't care to listen to all of "Sister Ray," you are officially a d-bag who shouldn't be listening to any VU.

Does the film feature the Pavement song of the same name sung in an all-caps style?

Really dropped the ball with not having "…and not one of them will be worth a shit!" as the first line of this article.

The second verse on "So. Central Rain:" the best lyrics Stipe ever wrote?

Yeah, I thought that the ending was actually kind of subtle. I thought there were bound to be some M. Night Shyamalan-size super-twists at the end, like that a couple of the female characters would end up double-crossing some of the male characters. Instead, like you said, it is an ending that really just lays out

Thought Schaeffer's line about not knowing how sensitive Orientals could be was the best of the ep.

Ha! Nice - I didn't even realize that was what he was supposed to be saying there.

I thought he said "tiny," not "tight."

The horn image from The Crying of Lot 49.

If your walkman fades you have absolutely no one…no one but yourself to blame.

If you are going to apologize to an elderly family for almost getting them killed by an angry mob, at least get your punctuation correct. It's "McClains," Spike, "McClains." No apostrophe needed there.