
I think I laughed louder at that line than possibly any line since "I transcend race, hombre" from last season. So random and weird and great.

Vincent Padilla would throw heat (maybe not 100 mph) and a knuckleball-like pitch he called "the soap bubble" during his time with the Dodgers. He also seemed to be batshit crazy.

Mine said that too, so I figured that when Kenny's mom's bowling toss had some serious knuckleball action on it, that that was some nice foreshadowing.

Only this show would have the balls to make a joke about one of the more horrifying scenes in recent cinema.

"Freak Monkeys with Mediocre Tunes:" my new band name!

Thanks for the musical info. I knew I recognized the melody, and I was just thinking how pretty much the only thing I don't like about this show is that it doesn't have music listings in the credits.

On a much more un-ironically enjoyable musical note: had Damien Jurado's new album playing on repeat.

Still laughing about two hilarious uses of music: SNL's skit based around a Coolio song I had long forgotten and Eastbound and Down's inclusion of a Candlebox song I wish I didn't remember.

Does anyone know if the dude with the curly 'do playing with them was Richard Swift?

Maybe this has something to do with My Morning Jacket's recent decline, but J(Y)im J(Y)ames sure does get around. Dude seems to be involved with something new every few months or so.

This is the first big festival lineup in probably easily a decade for which I had to look up the fourth listed band. Who the f is Pretty Lights? Seriously?

Mildred Pierce: also a great Sonic Youth song.

Yeah, attended an L.A. show, and they were definitely not real sharks in real water. The cubes were covered in giant video screens, which also had footage of barking dogs at points.

Oof, count me in the ledger of those who do not like Patricia Clarkson. She just strikes me as a chronic over-actor. I've never seen her not hamming it up ridiculously for the screen.

That girl is out of this world hot. Some of her scenes in Swimming Pool and A Girl Cut in Two…just, wow.

Whoa whoa whoa, back to the original poster. Did you really type the phrase "woman is forced to orgasm?" In what universe could that possibly happen? "Force" and "orgasm" seem pretty mutually exclusive to me.

"The Weight"
It's right in my wheelhouse.

But of course a viewer watching on DVD could just outright skip about five episodes in the middle of the season—the whole "the teacher did it" rabbit hole—and save some hours that those of us who watched it week-to-week aren't ever getting back.

Oops, sorry for the double post.

Talk about your "morally off-limits pop culture"
Most sickening show on television, amirite?