
Talk about your "morally off-limits pop culture"
Most sickening show on television, amirite?

Reminded me of…
If we're going with eps from other series that this one called to memory, I have to go with the infamous ep of Six Feet Under in which the one Fisher brother was abducted and tortured. And, to me, that is anything but a favorable comparison. To wit: show that usually follows many different storylines

The "meatless burgers" at In-N-Out are great. Nice nod to them in the stray observations.

Yeah, the whole sunk cost fallacy is about the only thing keeping me coming back at this point.

If there is a season two, Linden can't possibly be the central detective character again, right? Because her and her idiot partner are definitely going to lose their jobs for their shoddy detective work getting an innocent man pummeled (to death?—I'm guessing Bennett couldn't possibly survive a beating like that),

Come on, ya'll, try a little. Seriously, dig through the archive. There are some funny old-timey titles in there.

…"the fabled Kubrick death glare." That's one awesome turn of a phrase.

So will this album come out under the name Jim James or Yim Yames?

But what city will Detective Rubirosa move to next?

Port Charlotte
Way to hate on the place! Maybe I have a better frame of reference since I never lived there full time, but always spent a week in the summer there as a kid visiting grandparents. The Gulf, the Peace River, the Texas Rangers farm team—plenty to love in that place.

Funniest Title in the Archive?
My vote so far is for "Heard hearted Hannah (the vamp of Savannah)."

As if there wasn't, you know, enough music out there on the Internet you felt you had to catch up on. Good lord, I'll wading through this for some time.

Guy or girl, "Frankie Latina" has to be a made up name, right? Gotta be, or my name isn't Johnny Caucasian.

Saving the world has never been this hard.

The trampoline…innocent children's play toy or backyard harbinger of death?

The drummer definitely looks, and flails around, a lot like Animal.

Ah, the Mr. Belvedere Fan Club skit. Pretty obviously a big fan of that one.

I was thinking the exact same thing as Neckbeard.

Yeah, can AV Club please find another promo pic of PTA to use? That one just makes the man very hard to take seriously.

Wondering how his sex-crazed storyline is going to play out.