
I too think Belko's friend at the school must be the janitor, and possibly the guilt comes back around to him in some way in the end. Although another weird thought of mine is that Holder could be Belko's informant, and that they have some past connection. Hmmm…

Her mom's face does not need a dictionary, because those cheek bones are well defined.

Goulding's music was meh, but she's cute enough to look at. Kind of reminds me as a less ridiculously hot version of that French actress from Swimming Pool.


Adios, Miguel
In the words of Gabe, which constituted the funniest line of the episode: "Walk away, bitch."

Yeah, I don't see this collab as being as far-fetched as certain media outlets have made it out to be. Modest Mouse has laid down some pretty funky grooves in the past—like that song on Building Nothing into Something in which Brock sings something like "Have I told you / You can really get it on." (Can never remember

The Firm: Now With More Tumescence

I've wondered for a while why Krasinski has yet to host. Hell, they let Rainn Wilson host, and he's much less immediately likable.

I'm hoping that at some point this season Sonny and Davis get in a fight over Annie and kill each other off, because those two characters are easily the most annoying, and therefore expendable, on the show

Yeah, there definitely seems to be some creepiness there with Belko. He's too overeager to "go find the killer," a la OJ out looking for the "real killer." He probably had a crush on Rosie. And it wouldn't be surprising if, working at the moving company, he had access to that same type of cleaner found in the

Yeah, did Creed even get a line in the entire episode?

Another vote for Ferrell not bringing much to the show. Does anyone else find what he's doing to be just recycling humor from his previous incarnations—speaking in an intolerably loud voice like his old Jacob Silj character on SNL, reading whatever is on the cue card like in Anchorman? Not only is all of this making

Is Toby supposed to be stressed out about the Stranton Strangler case? Because he was looking very gaunt. Or is that guy just stressed out in real life because of the transition of the show away from Michael Scott's character?

Parks and Rec did the funny sound effects thing much better a while ago with Crazy Ira and the Douche's hilariously deadpan sound effects sidekick.

Big Brass Firsties?
NOLA will always be first in my heart.

Calm down on the cover, folks. Looks like some Thomas Kinkade juvenilia to me.

Apparently my ability to avoid double-posting is also going. Sorry.

LOL @ Collective Soul
I too saw ridiculous people moshing to them at a concert, which, embarrassingly enough for me, was the first concert I ever went to. Or at least one of the first. Maybe REM on the Monster tour was before that. Oof, I'm losing my memory.

LOL @ Collective Soul
I too saw ridiculous people moshing to them at a concert, which, embarrassingly enough for me, was the first concert I ever went to. Or at least one of the first. Maybe REM on the Monster tour was before that. Oof, I'm losing my memory.

Bon in Harmony
Bon bon bon bon…BON bon BON.