
American Dawn of the Age of the Rise of the Revenge of the Fall.

X Gon' Take it from Ya.

Is it just me or do the blue streaks and the speed effects behind this Quicksilver incarnation look really, really stupid.

It's an okay movie. It really isn't nearly as great as everybody thinks it is.


Oh, Gilda Radner's lesser known character.

Ricky Gervais creeps me out.

Fidel Castro.


You're absolutely right. Taking care of a Diplodocus has made it impossible to have a career nowadays.

Eat Fresh.

I'm more or less unfamiliar with the FF franchise. I've watched parts of the first one and parts of the second…and thought they were both pretty dumb. However, all this acclaim the franchise has been getting recently has me intrigued.

He’s like the Bruce Willis of being bald and willing to appear in any movie that will have him.

Today's Robin Hood he gets high on you and the space he invades he gets by on you.

Arr you sure?

It was a pirate's house. He stole the hook.

This was going to be a crossover with Bitch Hunter. That's who the dog works for.

I've always disliked him.

What a load of C rock.

I'd be miserable too if my comedy was terrible.