
Again, same to you good sir :)

Thank you :)

I really like a lot of you and this is quite hard but I have to do it.

That won't be possible; I'm logging out for good. I was wasting too much time on the site and I need to use it more constructively now.

I watched Age of Ultron. It's good fun, although over-stuffed with like, everything. Became almost tiring after a while. Leaves the first Avengers in the dust though. I can't see these movies getting any bigger than this one did. Not sure they should try either.

Nah I just need to get a life.

Oh Xandy. I'll miss YOU most of all.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm quitting in a few days.

On Googling, that's actually pretty cool. Thanks.

Haha, I totally get it bro.

It's like, how much more black could this be?

Go to hell you old bastid!

Soulless studio executives, ah, find a way.

He also stammers enough to make even Shia Labeouf want to slap him in the face.

This Spidey gets bizz-ay, consistently and thoroughly.

"First an Indian-American Surgeon General and now this?

This is not my beautiful wi…Oh wait.


Somebody brought this up before and I replied with the comment I'm proudest of. It had to do with Malcolm Gladwell!

I have real friends you know. Y'all could be really ugly for all I know.