
Fantastic pair of episodes that, like all truly great New Girl offerings, gave the entire cast moments to shine. Jake Johnson finding every conceivable way to wrongly emphasize "Schmidt's asleep" had me ROLLING.

Nick's patronizingly disappointed reaction to Winston taking weekly selfies with Ferguson was incredible—Jake Johnson's delivery was spot on this episode.

It's also important to remember that Season 3 ended up being even more complicated from a writing standpoint than it was already going to be due to a) the surprise reintroduction of Coach and b) the rigors of the Super Bowl episode. Season 4 is mercifully free of those burdens on long-term planning, and the ship

I could watch an entire episode devoted to Nick's attempts to cook a whole chicken.

I actually thought this episode was a lot stronger (if not necessarily funnier—the jokes were on point in each) than last week's. To my mind, New Girl always seems to struggle most either when the architecture of a plot gets in the way of the rhythms of the ensemble or when the A and B plots fail to cohere

"Not me, man - I prefer 1950s boobs: it's post-Korean War, pre-Vietnam War…"

Johnson's delivery on "That took you like twenty minutes - HELLLLOOOOO" had me rolling.

I've really enjoyed this season as well. The plot and pacing have definitely been a bit loose, but I think that speaks more to the difficulties inherent in the Nick/Jess pairing. Chemistry and mutually deep caring for one another aside, these are two very different (and notably, surprisingly, stubborn) people; the

"What do you call a lunatic who's only got one case and no hobbies? Your worst nightmare."