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    Dammit Dan, I come here for the decanting stories, not the gerbilling stories.

    I have this on VHS (!) but the severed head at crotch scene is cut, so I've never actually seen it. I need to rectify that.

    Have to say, "Who shot Mr. Burns" was the beginning of the end for me.

    Have to say, "Who shot Mr. Burns" was the beginning of the end for me.

    Yep, me too. This episode pulled the rug quite far, and I could feel it shifting further as those doors opened!

    Yep, me too. This episode pulled the rug quite far, and I could feel it shifting further as those doors opened!

    Didn't somebody say on the comments here recently that they'd watch the shit out of "House of Ashur"? In any case, I concur.

    BOBFOC: Body off Baywatch, face off Crimewatch.

    I liked Brooklyn Follies
    No dog-hugging necessary.

    Dude, if you can't listen to the soundtrack of your youth, what the hell is left?

    Enkidum, rationally I completely agree with you, and I can certainly understand why people got upset with that song. However to me as a listener, despite my views being COMPLETELY at odds with the sentiments expressed, I just didn't care. If pressed I'd have to say that I still don't. On a completely different side of

    The disappointing thing about November Rain
    is that it started life as a simple song with piano-only accompaniment. In 1989 or so, a friend of mine loaned me a copy of a GnR demo-tape he'd picked up somewhere and asked me to transcribe November Rain for him. I did this diligently, and played it often myself. (I still

    For me, if the music rocks, the words are entirely irrelevant. He could be singing the phone book and I wouldn't care!