jiminy jillikers

Ship Trip just wasn't gay enough.

Are there people who DON'T remember that? I loved that movie and the sequel though I couldn't tell you anything about the sequel now.

I'm glad to hear this is good, but I don't agree that Pete's Dragon is a bad Disney movie.

A lot of games have it now, but the "center behind the character" button really helped a lot on Zelda.

Game Gear Sonic 2 is the only Sonic I've ever 100%ed.

I played a lot of Evander Holyfield Real Deal Boxing on mine.

Also a very creepy concept for a game. Great game though.

I haven't used an actual N64 controller in ages, but I always thought the complaints about the design were way overblown. For Mario64 and games of its ilk, it works great. Dual stick controllers are better but I wouldn't call the N64 controller terrible at all. I actually never cared for the PS1 controller (and its

I would imagine it's about 5000x better than this crap. I get that it's a joke. It's just not funny.

They're not great movie movies but they're definitely some of the best non-Spider-Man superhero films from the first wave. The first one especially captures a lot of the character interaction between Thing and Johnny at least.

Chris Penn was always great. Feels like one of those guys who never really got his due. I like him in Short Cuts.

I've seen this one repeatedly as well.

Both of which I have seen repeatedly.

But only McCarthy made it onto the box art!

I'm glad Tom from MySpace agrees with me.

Mark Levin sometimes says some infuriating stuff. But there's some intellect there. Rush, Hannity, Savage—those guys' views don't hold water even within the narrow scope they're continually recreating for themselves.

I think it's ok to like Stewart (I do) and admit this (I do).

I'm sure I'll enjoy it at least—I'm kind of in the bag for Feig, if I'm honest. But I still say those other 3 movies are good regardless.

I'd rather he remake very movie I ever loved.

Those two and The Heat are very good comedies. His hit/miss ratio is as good as any comedy director I can think of. Haven't seen Ghostbusters yet.