
Barsanti is making them up and daring people to post them. Yeah, Mila Kunis and the chicken. That happened.

Is He?

No, I really do not


Well if she will steal chickens I have no option but to give her a good hard spanking.

This being shocked that your ancestors owned slaves thing is a little reminiscent of how every German who survived WW2 was a vehement anti-nazi who hated Hitler

20 bucks same as in town

That would be ElDans basement

Confederated Slaveholdings have not been doing well.

You sir, win the internet for today.

50 shades reference?

Killed them a bear when they was only three

But he was the bomb in Phantoms yo!

Ah so the embarrassment is in being rich

What weird name?
Mike Hunt

Is this really newsworthy? Go back far enough and everyone has skeletons in their ancestry

So he went out to pick a Heap of Daisies

It is very limited in scope