

Better to fall forward, more padding

they only do them for the halibut

Meadowlark Lemon

Thinks he is cock of the walk jerking us around but we will toss him in the can

True Dikachu

The Breast Whisperer?


We have personalities?

Well the answer is yes with an if, or no with a but.

Peter Porker?

Let's have sex

Loved the fight scene. It was authentic brutal street fighting. None of the fancy ninja moves just fists, feet, knees and elbows. Really wince inducing but superbly done.

I always thought the quote was "NutraSweet is a miracle, this is just good timing"

Previously on 24. Jack shat in a box then vomited on the new rug


Ow! Those ears are going to smart

But it's a brand, spanking, new thread

Set in the 1820s

T&A Force