
Me too. Read it three times

I've read the books several times and I don't recall pages about ponies. I remember a reference to Bill making his way back to Tom Bombadil and living out his life there. That's it.

And the only way you'd have of knowing that is spending a lot of time watching it. My point stands.

So you want it renewed for billions more years? May be tough on the original cast.

Amazing how many people have the time to take out of their lives to deride something they presumably dont watch. Must be a full and gratifying life.

I enjoy this show and like hanging out with the characters(except Raj, who is pointless) these EPs haven't made it over the pond yet but I look forward to them.

I'm one of the few apologists for the movie. I thought DD Bullseye, Kingpin, and Ben Urich were fine.
Jennifer Garner was completely miscast and I think there was a lot of studio interference. I think it was a movie made by fans of the character but financed by people who didn't understand it.
The directors cut is

Well aren't you the charmer. Tell you what, rather than discuss anything let's just google it and sit in silence otherwise.
My point was that historicity sounds like the kind of word that is manufactured when the writer can't think of the proper expression. Why not just say historical accuracy? It sounds better and the

What does historicity mean. It appears to be a completely manufactured word and I've tried, from context, to make sense of it.
Any help appreciated.

Kate Beckinsale is smoking hot. The acting ability of a mollusc, but hot nonetheless.

Didn't work with Michael jackson

I'm one of the few people to have written more books than I've read.

And flavour!

They'll do it but you have to be prepared for it to come with more than the normal amount of saliva, mucus, and semen.

Coming from Slough is worse than anything Florida can dream up

He certainly never had any truck with this "show don't tell" malarkey.

Browse Netflix, find Jason Statham movie, watch, be entertained. Add beer and have perfect recipe for Sunday afternoon.

Enjoyed this episode immensely. It was a bit spooky and fun and the character of Constantine is getting better and better.
I really hope this gets renewed.

Apple pucker sounds more anatomical than a drink

Typo, or sexually advanced?