
So Lucas is concentrating on raising his child against a blue screen and retconning everything that isn't perfect

He went for the incest in Clueless so he stops at nothing now


She's not a duckling


It's all a bit too little too late reàlly.
It's going to take à lot of Britta/Annie makeout sessions to brinbg back the viewers

How very working class

I don't know why but this episode hardly ever gets shown in the UK. I've only seen it once, whereas all the other early seasons I know almost by heart.

Tango and Cash 2:Tango de la Muerte

Ah Fay and Poehler, the thinking man's threesome fantasy.

No but the kids have to learn about Techwar some time

Life probably also suffers in comparison with Shawshank which came out at the same sort of time.

Uptown top rankin'

That's no pie shop, that's ElDan's van! Watch out for the "milk" and the free hugs aren't the good kind either!

We're so lame!

Do you sell pie? Because it sounds profitable

OK I didn't need sleep. Thanks for that

Excellent film

Black 2: The Future

Silt Man! He makes waterways slightly shallower!