
What am i supposed to reply to from this?

You have failed this city!

Yeah it's annoying but who you gonna call?

…tuba solo…

Well that was a revelation

It was illegal aliens. Specifically, polish builders.

Absolutely love this film. Definitely my favourite musical. To me, it doesn't seem to age and thee end always brings a tear to my eye.
Much better than the turgid melodrama that was Shakespeare's original play.

U Stink But I Luv U

I am no longer illiterate

Now, the laundry question

Shouldn't have been dating a twelve year old

Good thing she doesn't want to sleep with you then.

Don't be too hard on him, he's just a bit Spaced out

The woman with the three cock mouth. - me talking about your mom

Like SJP?

A horse, a divorce, of course of course

At last, a meaty thread I can get my teeth into.

We have to go deeper

Upvoted for flange, my favourite euphemism

Hey! I got a social disease!