
They're premarinated

That's some nice flutin' boy


Hey everyone, an old woman is talking

And you get to choke her out at the end

Ice skating!

Yeah because you get the paralysis porn thrown in, like Million Dollar Baby

All oiled up in short shorts, like real nen

Burgess Meredith, Michael Jackson and Tupac. Together at last.

We have a history channel-esque channel called Yesterday. When it was off the air it had a screen saying "Yesterday will return tomorrow"
That fucks with your head after a few smokes at 3am I can tell you.


In the spirit of fifty shades, I'll swap you this woman for your Crow T Robot

Mitch Gaylord! Shadoe Stevens! Seriously?
OK, none of you septics are allowed to make fun of Imogen Poots ever again.

Did 'enjoyed myself' involve a happy ending?

No I Frankenstein? No way!

Hey funboys, get a room!

Big Ken Russell fan?

Ah reminiscing about young bush

I'm wanting to talk to the entity inside Brandon Nowalk. You need to come out and leave him be. Let his reviews be consistent with his grades at least. Or at least be internally consistent.
The power of Christ compels you!

It's a rite of passage, like being sexually assaulted by ElDan.