
Couldn't I have just a little bit of peril?

Not even a mention of the Eva Green Goes Mental Hour!
Hannibal is the best though.

He brought the funk and the noise

Seyg-el looks suspiciously like a nazi salute to me

More shots of John Voight's ballsack

Or Ice T

Soul Man!

Immigants! I knew it was them. Even when it was the bears I knew it was them!

Hmmm I appear to have had a slight trouser accident

Looks like an awful lot of criticism by people who haven't bothered to see the film, reviewer included.
Turing's homosexuality, though never blatant, is vital to the story. Making up the framing story, where he's arrested on suspicion of being one of the Cambridge spy ring only for the charges of gross indecency to

That was pretty much my reaction after slipping into a coma trying to watch the first one.


Jeez man, at least while she's still warm. Have some decency

O'Neal's started drinking before breakfast again

Brass Eye's Paedogeddon is the form taken to the divine extreme.
All the people outraged by it totally unaware that they were part of the joke

That explains the taste

About as long as the Gary Glitter children's home.

Only if he also referred to Carol’ss dead daughter as "that wiener kid"

Face Full of Window should be a band name

His scouse accent is quite soft but definitely there, which I'm glad of because strong sciuse puts my teeth on edge. Not picking up any welsh.