
Sperflos u's surely?

Zdarsky a pretty sex truffle

He was mortally wounded in the taint by one of his own weapons and had to have a prosthetic fitted

Are you dissing The Clangers? If so I shall have to ask you to step outside!

Like Brown-Eyed Girl?

They were named for the author E.M. Forster. Huge fans of Howard's End.


Bonkers are classy shaggers

I thought she was The Breast Whisperer

Don't do that. It's lonely and we'll miss you

Hah! Terlit

Erm yessss…..they are. Obviously.

Well W gave up drinking….vine

I said he was a liar

Boomer/Sharon no doubt

Late to this but just want to say that this episode is possibly one of the most sublime episodes of television I've ever seen. That the rest of the show lived up to it as long as it did was a miracle. We should be grateful

My left hand isn't interested in carnal pursuits. It writes poetry, and dissertations on art deco glassware

This needs more upvotes

You actually think Martin has a clue? If he did he'd be writing in his fat guy hat rather than interviewin' and conventionin' and drinkin' and eatin' and whorin' like he does now.

You are Jaime Lannister and I claim my £5