Ubiquitous Pregnancies

clever PhilWil, clever

I'm actually from Minnesota and am still there at this very second. This is actually a decent ad because it doesn't actually say anything. This congressional run has had the most amount of campaign money poured into it then anywhere else in the US. I hate them both.

When I first read the title of said article I thought a new season of (Fill in the Blank) of Love was starting. I don't think love dies out of a relationship, I think VH1 murdered the concept of love and the rest of the nation followed suit…

Beyonce looks nothing like herself there, and really looks nothing like Etta, in fact she looks like Debra Wilson from MadTv playing Beyonce playing Etta. This whole image is subpar.

What else is the kid supposed to do? Say "Hey I'm on a crappy VH1 show called the Pickup Artist… wanna make out?" Being anywhere near associated with that show is like asking for permanent virginity.

Kathie Lee's first child is off to college this year. She's obviously projecting her feelings off missing her child onto one who doesn't have any at all.

Personally, I wood hayv goun wit Frangela, dose gurrls sew funnie da wheigh dey finiesh eech oders sentanses!