
Really sad. As a huge Ghibli fan, I pretty much knew what to expect going into Arrietty, and wasn't disappointed.

I don't know if I was expecting Karofsky or not, all I knew is that each time Kurt made a reference to Blaine being his "secret admirer" the likelihood of Blaine being the actual secret admirer went down by 30%

I would have appreciated any of these, especially numbers nine and four, and yet glee went and squandered those opportunities, as it always does, so that the god squad could serenade Rachel with what is arguably the one of the worst love songs ever written, and use Love Shack, which, while entertaining, isn't really a

Something I feel like adding on, i'm not getting into the heavy suicide-related stuff there in that post, partly because I really don't feel qualified to judge how well it was done.

This is completely unrelated to the episode being discussed, more about the sequence from "Home" with Burt, Finn and Kurt:

Not going to lie, I really liked this episode. For glee, it was emotional without getting too badly insensitive or heavy handed, and ventured into the realm of "cheesy" much less often that Glee usually does.

I usually half-watch while I doodle in my sketchbook, and have a pretty good time with that. It's not something i'll sit down and kill half an hour on if i'm not being kind of productive during it.

I thought this episode was pretty funny, much moreso than any of the recent ones. Most notably, the mock debate and debate scenes were very good.

I found myself becoming irritated by the end of the scene where Kurt and Santana decided to "take the high road" because if season 1 Kurt and Santana had been in their place, they would have had absolutely no qualms about viciously going after the guy who intentionally put Kurt's boyfriend in the surgical ward.

This is spot on, straight down to the comment about next week's horrific promotional stills.

I think that this episode had horribly lazy writing, and that Dan was the only one energetic and charming enough to make it funny in the least.