Doesn't Padme have a conversation with Beru in Attack of the Clones?
Doesn't Padme have a conversation with Beru in Attack of the Clones?
I wonder if any of the kids on this show have any idea what "The Avengers" was. Emma Peel is on this show, television royalty!
The Brick, from "Northern Exposure," on a weekend when Adam was hanging out in the kitchen. The whole town rhapsodizes about it.
I love Looney Tunes so much, and these five masterpieces are among my favorites, but I was always more into the Disney shorts. I think something like "Clock Cleaners" absolutely nails the characters of Donald and Goofy even moreso than "Duck Amuck" does for Daffy in a lot of ways.
Remember the episode where Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends teamed up with the X-Men? That was fucking awesome.
I think the actual quote is "I can think of at least two things wrong with that title." The "at least" is what sells it for me.
I don't understand why that's still sch a thing. Cut the fucker in half and let it cool for like 30 seconds, you mouth-breathers. News flash! Freshly brewed coffee is hot, too!
My ex was a vegetarian, and fairly health-conscious, but her one weakness was McDonald's fries. They're universally beloved.
I watched the first season of 2.5M, mostly because it was on after Raymond and I didn't have anything better to do. I chuckled a few times. When you're writing a sitcom that's basically a series of one-liners, a few of them are going to land.
That's actually why I'd be okay with "Back to the Future" being revisited as a concept. 1985 is as foreign to today's kids as 1955 was when the original came out.
I'mi n the exact same boat. I was still making mixtapes well into high school, about 2000 for me, because we didn't have a computer that could burn CDs.
I don't know. I don't think I'd have any idea how to use one of those old-timey two handed phones. Or to be more modern, I'm just young enough to not know how to type DOS prompts or anything like that. It makes sense to me that a 6 year old wouldn't know what a cassette tape is, they'd have been born in 2008.
I got my first Walkman a couple of years before the first MP3 players came out, so they were already pretty outdated by then, but I only wanted it for when I was mowing the lawn and it was way cheaper than a Discman at the time. So appreciate the little brick, is what I'm saying.
Hank's genuine love for his job still strikes me as really refreshing, even 17 years later.
My favorite Hedberg joke is barely a joke: "Imagine if the Headless Horseman had a headless horse. It'd be fuckin' chaos!"
Oh, big deal! Back in my day, we got spanked by presidents all the time! Why, Grover Cleveland spanked me on two non-consecutive occasions!
Yeah, I think the closest relative to Rick and Morty is Futurama, at least when it comes to high concept sci-fi insanity. But Futurama only went the "alternate reality" route a couple of times in its whole run. It was far more interested in "time" as a general concept.
I never understood why Milhouse was so weird about letting Bart play the game with him. It's a fighting game. They're more fun with two people.
Does Ray Romano count? He turned down a LOT of money to do another season of "Raymond."
I wanna say I read a few years ago that Ferguson had no interest in moving to 11:30. He has way too much freedom to do whatever he wants at 12:30.