
That's why "Lisa's Wedding" sucked so bad too!

I'll bite. What's one through eight?

Sadly, they already made one. Four of 'em, in fact.

If Disney's smart, they may put out a HD re-release or something when Pixar's "Dia de los Muertos" project becomes reality.

Genesis Aladdin > SNES Aladdin. Fact.

I love love LOVE Monkey Island and the other graphic adventures, but the LucasArts that made those games already died a loooooooong time ago. Even though some of them were good, I'm just bored by the onslaught of Star Wars games. I say this is karma for cancelling Sam & Max 2 and Full Throttle 2.

He was pretty great in that movie with Charlton Heston. That scene, where Heston gets stuck under his tractor, and finally tells Hawke how proud he is of him? Gold.

Late 20s, living in LA, but I'm in a very similar situation. This one broke me too, for what I imagine are the same reasons it got to you.

I've never heard that Buble song, but the title reminded me of the lyrics from "I'm Going to Go Back There Someday."

Looks like I'm Barney. Go Noles?

Indeed I am.

Some of us just like to watch the show. We're not all lunatics. I bought a couple of the toys to put on my desk and my friend got me a Fluttershy shirt for Christmas. That's as far as I ever took my fandom for the show.

I met Thomas "Biff" Wilson a few months ago and he was awesome. Very sweet, humble, just an all-around nice guy. Back to the Future is my favorite movie, so that was a nice surprise. On the other hand, I once met Laura Prepon, who I had a huge crush on in seventh grade, and she was horrible. Not nice at all.

UHF basically beat them ALL to the punch with "Gandhi II," which is essentially the same concept.

I live in LA, and I have several friends in New York. From what I understand, I guess there's a friendly rivalry between the two cities? I guess it's an in-joke for New Yorkers making fun of Southern Californians? I don't know. Seems like it could only sustain a sketch or two. I never thought this would be one of the

Parks and Rec IS superior to Community. There I said it. It took a year to build up the courage, but I said it.

While that movie shouldn't have been made in the first place, I'll argue Jim Carrey did the best with what he was given. His delivery of the whole "maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store" bit is pretty good. He's not that movie's biggest problem, is what I'm saying.

While that movie shouldn't have been made in the first place, I'll argue Jim Carrey did the best with what he was given. His delivery of the whole "maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store" bit is pretty good. He's not that movie's biggest problem, is what I'm saying.

Kenan's final episode needs an All That reunion.

So maybe it does work better as a sketch if you actually live in LA? I do, and I laughed last time because one of the directions they said was "the corner of Riverside and Coldwater Canyon," which is where my apartment is. Comedy of the known, I guess?