dog without warning

Right Direction, wrong paths
I know these boards tend to blame the actors but I feel like the writers are mostly to blame for the supporting cast's misuse. Since the end of last season I had assumed that Astor & Cody would be leaving to be with the suddenly relevant grandparents. But I had thought that the work of

The correct answer is "Ron Mael." Thanks for playing!

I also love H Jon Benjamin. I actually had a hard time with Where the Wild Things Are cause I felt like the James Gandolfini delivery would have been better done by Benjamin.

I remember listening to a live tape from a KFAT radio broadcast my dad had. Over and over again. It was fabulous and I probably wore it out. I was surprised "boogie-woogie" wasn't mentioned in the article because they did devote a good deal of time to very standardized boogie woogie tunes. I know that later in life I

I'm going to go ahead and re-iterate a post I previously made… I hated this song when I first heard it. Empty, contrived crap. And years later I had a co-worker that would listen to the whole craptacular album on his speakers in our shared office when he got in before me. I would be punish him with the Residents or

I added "World's Greatest Dad" to my netflix queue (probably over a year ago) and promptly forgot why. It kept showing up on the watch instantly list as "from your queue". And I would look at him, and the movie title and say to myself, no, that has to be wrong. After months of him staring at me I finally watched and

This 'n that
I've heard muse before and liked their stuff but not enough to go out of my way to find a lot. This song unlike what I'd heard before seemed very repetitive. And after watching it I have Blondie's "Call Me" stuck in my head.
I don't really care about Gaga's music because it's a genre that doesn't do much

"Kids" was a less than spectacular date movie. "Cook, theif…" however has consistently gotten me laid every time I see it.

Already done…
Schaffer the Darklord already covered the top to bottom of Craigslist. And if you are unaware of him you are missing out. http://bit.ly/1aend6

I prefer Schaffer The Darklord's Craigslist song. Covers more ground in a clever fashion, Al's Door's is good but his craig's knowledge is perfunctory.

I had a friend who kept trying to tell us that Kangaroo Jack might be a great sleeper movie. For his birthday we blindfolded him and took him to the movie. Halfway through we went and asked for a refund because "the kangaroo doesn't talk. He did in the previews but he doesn't in the movie." The Manager gave us our

I concur with placing meddle/dark side/wish/animals above The Wall but I know also it's because I'm older. In high school, it was the wall, hands down. I think that album plays particularly well to an adolescent anger that I don't have access to anymore. I think it is a great album, but as an adult with a together

I know offhand that Freak Out pre-dates Sgt. Pepper's. And find it quite hard to believe that.. oh, thanks google, apparently Johnny Cash's 1960 Ride This Train is considered to be one of the first pop concept albums, and predates Sgt Pepper's by 7 years.

TMBG's "Oh do Not Forsake Me" was my cat's favorite song. Seriously, when it would come on she would actually rub up against the speakers. And this was when it came out years and years ago, so she pretty much owned that tune. Whenever we wanted to find her or call her we would sing the song and she would come running.

All the main Zappa Albums
They only have the beat the boots discs, his main output is not available due to "quality" concerns.

The Preg-Nancy Card
I saw the pregnancy coming but I don't believe it. There has been nothing to indicate Nancy would take the time to get a sonogram and zero to indicate she's been hiding a pregnancy long enough to be at that stage. I see it as a strategy Andy threw her. He listened to the problem, came up with an

The ring…
In the first scene Nancy removed her ring. For some reason I felt sure the ensuing "migraines" were directly connected to that. I may be totally wrong but it felt like the kind of thing this show leans towards, and gives her a direct Judah connection to the mental problems, kind of like Shane.

Only worked the first time…
I didn't fall for the "true story" hype but saw this in the theater and really enjoyed it. The stress and tension it built had me totally gripped and the sudden fall off a cliff ending thrilled me. Of course I had to take others to see it… and found that it was terribley boring without the

I'm not the only one fighting the "end scene" "and scene" fight? Taint has it right. End scene is a stage direction, the correct way to end it is just "scene". The aaaaaaaannnd is there to tie it in with the, what the fuck am I doing? Am I really trying to make sense of this? It's aaaaaaaannnd scene. It just is.

Hail Ackroyd
having been born in '75 and only seen the cherry picked best of these early shows, watching these whole seasons has dramatically changed my perception of the cast. As an avid pratfall fan & practitioner I thought I would finally get the Chevy magic, but he does almost nothing for me. He comes off so smug