Im Fran and Im a Woman

I wish they'd have kept their press ban. I like them a lot less now than when they were all mysterious.

I wish they'd have kept their press ban. I like them a lot less now than when they were all mysterious.

I love the Twilight Zone Companion. Reading that made me want to be a writer like Rod Serling.

I love the Twilight Zone Companion. Reading that made me want to be a writer like Rod Serling.

I gave up on Star Wars when seeing Phantom Menace opening weekend when Liam Neeson started talking about Midichlorians. Up until then, I has a nagging voice telling me the movie sucked, but I managed to remain in fervent denial. When Neeson started with that Midichlorians bullshit, I threw my hands up, rolled my eyes,

the mexican
He was really good in The Mexican. Best thing in a so-so movie.