Crazy Cat Lady

Fo sho…rt
My favorite part was when Fo was talking about how long she was attempting to look, then walked in wearing flip-flops and looking more squat than ever. Get some hair gel and some high heels, sista!

I wish we could see the money from this show put into an X-Men series. Amazingly rich history to draw stories from, incredible characters and relationships, and a built-in fanbase. Give us a cool series about superheroes!

IF I CHOOSE to get married….I'm having a Rosemary's Baby Rape-By-The-Devil-Scene inspired wedding. I'll be the envy of all with my red body paint and claw marks.

You've heard the expression "Let's get busy"? Well, this is a boy who gets biz-AY! Consistently and thoroughly.

Did you ever love me?
In my head I hear Kim and Billy Bob saying this in unison to the audience. The "…I don't know" would be my response.

Do yourself a favor and watch him in "Mr. Brooks."

I believe it was a boaking accident.

I wish I had noticed that last week. Oh rats.

Am I crazy? I thought the last two episodes were pretty great! Not perfect, but definitely gave me a reminder of why I liked the show in the first place. Am I crazy? AM I?

I'm so thankful my work computer requires additional plugins to display all the media on this page. No thanks, Black Eyed Peas.

I'm thinkin' bout stickin'. Please advise.

Good music?
Has anyone actually listened to any of his music? Is he any good? Is it so good that people aren't going to bring up the fact that obviously he is a well-known actor first and foremost?

Billy Bob FUCK.

Experimental Muppet
Spot on! The Millionaire Matchmaker looks so much like Janice that I kind of like her now.

I always hoped that ER would do a episode featuring flashbacks from Romano's life, where they would show a helicopter stealing his lunch money and a different helicopter raping his mother.

"A model's job is to look better in pictures…"
I think this quote was actually Tyra. Although everything that is said at the panel belongs to Tyra, so I'm not positive.

Tyra is the president of her fan club.

She's the third Summers brother.

I got a "Minority Report" vibe when Angela grabbed the umbrella from her Swoozie-friend in the restaurant…I'd love to see her power developed that way, where she can use her knowledge of the future to her immediate benefit. All she can really do now is qualify for an Ambien prescription.

Are you guys asking me out? You speaka my language…