
You saw Il Colpo Grosso (the Big Punch)! It's hilarious. They have some kind of thing where they ask questions and then the contestants do a strip tease. before every commercial, about 20 girls (Cin-Cin Girls) come out and dance and all pop their tops open. God, I miss Italy. That show is legandary for it's stupidity.

I hope you didn't take away that i was bashing Italy. I lived there for most of my adult life and am married to someone for there so i certainly have a deep and abiding love for the country.

I don't know about the narco part, Flaubert, but I would agree that corporations already control a lot and it is only getting stronger. Transparency International ranks country on degrees of corruption and the US comes in at like 17, mainly because all of the corporate donations to politicians who are acting on

That was kind of my point, Flaubert. It's close to anarchy, but it all sort of works because everyone just eats their pasta and drinks their wine and lives their lives. It's beautiful, in a way.

Actually, the Internet goes to Violet.

Your hater entry is up. Ottoman wins the Internet.

I jsut though it was Short Cuts with all the good parts taken out ….

That is EVERY SINGLE THING in italy. I remember watching TV once and the camera panned slowly down a long, tanned nude female, full frontal. She gets up and rubs her breasts and then dives into a pool. Up pops a tube of pool caulking, which this was a commercial for. Another time, during the world cup in Germany,

On the plus side, the nice thing is that no one pays much attention to authority. Everyone goes to Rome and passes all sorts of laws and makes "un bel' casino" (a beautiful mess) that everyone can argue about and talk about. But, in the end, every one cheats on their taxes and every one obeys the laws they want to

Screw Arc nailed it …. as bad as America has become, it's not close to Italy. Berlusconi owns the largest commercials stations and controls the state stations (They are technically independent, but the government exercise much more control than the US or Britain exercise over NPR or the BBC). However, he also owns the

Thanks for that OttoMann …. i though he came across as a dick in Rolling Stone, but this is such a whole new level of assbagdouchery that I can't even .

I lived overseas for fifteen years and we had to watch the Superbowl at midnight on Armed Forces TV, which has no actual commercials but all these cute, vaguely socialistic entreaties to be a good citizen. Anyway, you wouldn't BELIEVE how upset people were about missing the commercials. The next week, the paper would

way to go, bellona …. that was like a two-year setup.

My problem with watching Peyton on a commercial is that I know he got film of every successful commercial of the last thirty years and watched them all 15 times while taking copious notes. He learned how to emulate being human. I guess I should admire his work ethic, but it just makes me sad.

yeah …. I think it all depends on the band, who's there and how they feel as to whether you've really seen them or not. If you didn't see the Who before Moon and especially Entwhistle kicked it, then you didn't see the Who. That's a good cover band that happens to have Townshend and Daltrey in it playing the

I agree about K&C; it doesn't really get going till at least a third of the way in, but it is fantastic once it does.

And, let's not forget that thanks to our Supreme Court, ardent opponents of judicial activism that they are, that this new monopoly can now purchase ads and support candidates with funds straight from its general treasury. I'm sure that will make this decision easier to reverse with legislation….

@ Etymologic. I read that! From what I recall, that is the first use of the "Does the transporter actually kill us and remake us anew" debate that was picked up later in versions of the series and was used to explain McCoy's hatred of transporters.

I've said it before and I'll stand by it, they published Greider and O'Rourke and now they publish Tiabbi.

Lobsters, that was either so stupidly ironic that it arced my horizon or it was the most awesomely meta comment in the history of the AV Club.